Drinking Age Silences Victims

Drinking Age Silences Victims

One major issue with the high drinking age, paired with the high penalties of underage drinking, is that an underage drinker may be left in fear of seeking help in an emergency if he or she has had something to drink. This blog entry I read today highlights get another terrifying problem: sexual assault victims…

Banning Books Hurts Youth

Banning Books Hurts Youth

A number of news stories have come out lately about concerned groups seeking to ban books they find objectionable or inappropriate for kids, for a variety of reasons. One group in Wisconsin successfully got several teen books banned for depicting homosexuality. In Tennessee, some parents are trying to get books removed from library shelves for…

Suicide of the Bullied

Suicide of the Bullied

School bullying is on a lot of people’s minds at the moment as just yesterday was the 10th anniversary of the Columbine attack. Just today, I saw this article about an 11-year-old boy who killed himself after excessive bullying. Family says bullying led boy, 11, to hang himself By CHRISTIAN BOONE The Atlanta Journal-Constitution Tuesday,…

Childhood Intelligence

Childhood Intelligence

Recently, I’ve been giving some thought to the capabilities of the human mind and the meaning of intelligence. The common perception is that human intelligence grows as we age, that young children start off stupid and it is adults’ job, through the various institutions of education, to implant the right “knowledge” into children’s brains until they’re intelligent like us. I think that’s very, very far from the truth.