School uniforms and collectivism

School uniforms and collectivism

To me, school uniforms are so vehemently opposed by young people in the United States because they violate our individual-centured culture. In other countries, such as east Asian, Native-American, or African cultures, uniforms do not arouse the same level of ire because their cultures are collective in nature. Uniforms, because of their inherent nature, seem…

UND Chapter Forming

UND Chapter Forming

NYRA Vice-President Johnathan McClure has started a local NYRA chapter at the University of North Dakota. College campuses are a great place for Youth Rights activity, where a high concentration competent, politically active young people are still affected by ageist policy. The chapter, already officially recognized by the University, is thinking of possibly taking action…

Bush Proposes More Drug Testing

Bush Proposes More Drug Testing

In his recent state of the union speech, President Bush proposed a plan that would allocate $23 million dollars of government funds to schools that wished to implement drug testing. For a long time, compulsory education has extended itself far beyond simply teaching math, reading, and other such things, and has begun to intrude on…