DC Seeks to Ban Youth From Clubs

DC Seeks to Ban Youth From Clubs

Washington Councilmember Jim Graham has introduced legislation that will essentially ban young people from DC nightclubs and concert venues. While Councilmember Graham is pursuing a far more palatable version of the bill, as it stands now the legislation will “prevent the entrance of persons under the age of 21 into alcoholic beverage control licensed nightclubs,…

Why Not to Hate MADD

Why Not to Hate MADD

When I browse through the many threads on NYRA’s forums, I have run across a few posts that express absolute hatred against NYRA’s opponents, such as the Mothers Against Drunk Driving organization. When I see such posts, I am appalled! Why are certain forum posters promoting such hatred? NYRA and MADD have always been two…

For no one but themselves

For no one but themselves

In the summer of 1863, the Union army began forming all-black regiments to fight in the Civil War. Many black leaders were ecstatic that their people could take a greater role in a war that was being fought in large part for their freedom. They also felt that if they proved themselves worthy in battle,…