Paterson Chapter Fights Curfew

Paterson Chapter Fights Curfew

This fall the Paterson, New Jersey City Council asked residents to vote on whether they would support a youth curfew ordinance. The Council did not present any details or any kind of plan, and the only relevant court case in New Jersey resulted in a ruling against curfews. Unfortunately, Paterson voters overwhelmingly supported the proposed…

I’m Confused

I’m Confused

A good parent will lock up detergents, medicines, and other toxics, so their tiny, toddler children cannot reach them. If not, the child might eat said item and be fatally poisoned. Seems reasonable enough, but there’s more. When the child grows older, she might be trusted to carry around her own money and buy things…

Curfew Site Unveiled

Curfew Site Unveiled

After much work NYRA has unveiled their comprehensive curfew page this week. Hailed as the most complete curfew resource on the Internet, the curfew page joins NYRA’s popular Drinking Age and Voting Age pages. The new site contains a Curfew FAQ, an analysis of curfews, and an in-depth action page. Plus much more. Expansion of…

DC Members Attend March

DC Members Attend March

Washington, DC NYRA members joined a youth march against violence on Tuesday. Members brought signs bearing slogans such as, “Zero-Tolerance is violence against youth”, “Curfews Attack Youth”, and “What about Adult Crime?”. Literature was passed out to other marchers and our ideas were well received by the other marchers.

NYRA To Fight Curfew

NYRA To Fight Curfew

After loosing in district court the Indiana Civil Liberties Union is carrying their fight to strike down the Indiana curfew law to the federal court of appeals. NYRA will be writing an Amicus Curiae Brief for this case which will let the court know NYRA’s reasons why the curfew should be repealed. NYRA is assembling…

NYRA to help ACLU fight Curfew

NYRA to help ACLU fight Curfew

NYRA Representatives recieved word from the Indiana chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union requesting assistance in their battle of the state’s curfew law. The ICLU has asked NYRA to help mobilize youth to speak out against the curfew to provide support while the ICLU fights the law in court. Stay tuned for details on…