The War on MySpace

The War on MySpace

Well it was bound to happen. With all the media hysteria over MySpace, any student of our opportunistic elected officials should have known what was coming next. Congress has proposed a bill that would ban MySpace, Facebook, LiveJournal, and potentially all chatrooms, forums, blogs & Instant Messaging from school & library computers. More info here….

Libraries Censor IndyKids

Libraries Censor IndyKids

A new project of New York City Indymedia, IndyKids, has been censored by two area library systems. After agreeing to distribute IndyKids to their local branches, both the New York Public Library and the Queens Public Library changed their minds and now refuse to distribute the paper. They say the reason for their decision is…

School uniforms and collectivism

School uniforms and collectivism

To me, school uniforms are so vehemently opposed by young people in the United States because they violate our individual-centured culture. In other countries, such as east Asian, Native-American, or African cultures, uniforms do not arouse the same level of ire because their cultures are collective in nature. Uniforms, because of their inherent nature, seem…

UND Chapter Forming

UND Chapter Forming

NYRA Vice-President Johnathan McClure has started a local NYRA chapter at the University of North Dakota. College campuses are a great place for Youth Rights activity, where a high concentration competent, politically active young people are still affected by ageist policy. The chapter, already officially recognized by the University, is thinking of possibly taking action…

Member Fights Online Ageism

Member Fights Online Ageism

There are many websites on the Internet dedicated to humor. These sites, while often very funny, sometimes have ageist disclaimers. Often a website will have something that says their material is not appropriate for individuals under the age of eighteen. NYRA member Jessica Jordan decided to do something about it. She has written letters to…

Censorware Defeated by Peacefire

Censorware Defeated by Peacefire

NYRA Advisory Board member, Bennett Haselton has invented Circumventor, a program designed to circumvent all blocking software and censorship programs. The program works by creating a site mirror at different URLs not blocked by the censorware. Due to the success of Bennett’s organization, Peacefire, at disabling blocking software imposed on American teens, the US government…

Victory for New Chapter

Victory for New Chapter

The newly formed Augusta, Georgia NYRA chapter has already won its first battle. The local high school attempted to ban all private displays of the Confederate Flag and after pressure from the NYRA-AUG chapter the school removed the policy. Students of all races were upset over the new policy since it limited their freedom of…