National Youth Rights Association Announces Winners of 2011 Annual Awards

National Youth Rights Association Announces Winners of 2011 Annual Awards

WASHINGTON – The National Youth Rights Association (NYRA) announced the recipients of its second annual awards, which were formally presented on July 30 at the 2011 NYRA Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C. Youth rights is the concept that young people are entitled to the rights and civil liberties enjoyed by all American citizens.  Three separate…

Review of Brown v EMA

Review of Brown v EMA

This morning, the Supreme Court released the opinion in Brown v. Entertainment Merchants Assn. By a vote of 7-2, the court found that the law was unconstitutional. The opinion of the court drawing a sharp distinction between violence and obscenity, it states that protecting minors from displays of violence is not exempt from the first amendment, and finds that the law is unconstitutional.

Delay of Self

Delay of Self

We talk a lot about how a great deal of anti-youth sentiment comes from the idea that those under 18 aren’t so much people as they are humanoid extensions of their parents. It’s boggling to think about just how deeply this affects a young person, how damaging this really is. Guidance counselors and the like…