Gavin Newsom Won on Youth Rights

Gavin Newsom Won on Youth Rights

The Newsom-DeSantis debate was largely pointless. It involved Ron DeSantis who is running for president but trailing far behind the Republican frontrunner Donald Trump, and Gavin Newsom who has stated he doesn’t intend to run for president this election cycle but has been suggested as a potential replacement for Joe Biden if he chooses to…

Porn Privacy Is Under Attack – Affects Youth and Adult Rights Alike 

Porn Privacy Is Under Attack – Affects Youth and Adult Rights Alike 

In three states, Mississippi, Virginia, and Utah, Pornhub has completely banned user access due to mandatory online ID checks that are supposed to prevent minors under 18 from accessing content. Websites complying with regulations, like xHamster, require users to upload a picture of their photo ID and face. While I think porn can be harmful…

Portland Student Rights Union joins NYRA to address Student Rights

Portland Student Rights Union joins NYRA to address Student Rights

Members of Portland Student Rights Union – A NYRA Chapter We originally started the Portland Student Rights Union (SRU) in October 2017 to protest the administration of our school, the Metropolitan Learning Center Administration in Portland, Oregon, taking away all student breaks as a form of collective punishment. Even though we were an unofficial group,…

R-Rated Superhero Movies?

R-Rated Superhero Movies?

Bob Chipman had a very interesting take over at ScreenRant on the rumored R-rated directors cut version of Superman V Batman to be included on the DVD. Put simply, as he does, he sees it as an awful idea and a perversion. His reasons are rather interesting for youth rights activists. This isn’t the first…

NYRA’s Letter to Matt Smith

NYRA’s Letter to Matt Smith

Matt Smith, principal at Garrett High School in Indiana, recently expelled a student for Tweeting a swear word on his own time. In response, NYRA’s new Executive Director sent Smith the following message: Dear Mr. Smith, I was disappointed to hear reports that your school chose to expel a student for a Tweet he wrote…

Joint Statement in Opposition to Book Censorship in Tucson

Joint Statement in Opposition to Book Censorship in Tucson

JOINT STATEMENT IN OPPOSITION TO BOOK CENSORSHIP IN THE TUCSON UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT January 30, 2012 The undersigned organizations are committed to protecting free speech and intellectual freedom. We write to express our deep concern about the removal of books used in the Mexican-American Studies Program in the Tucson Unified School District. This occurred in…