Annual Meeting and Election

Annual Meeting and Election

Every summer NYRA elects a new board of directors, and holds an annual meeting. NYRA’s last annual meeting in San Francisco brought together NYRA members from throughout the country. They heard from some excellent speakers, heard NYRA’s Executive Director read the annual report, and had a good time. This year the annual meeting will be…

NYRA Holds Annual Meeting

NYRA Holds Annual Meeting

On August 5, 2006, NYRA members met in San Francisco to listen to speakers, hear about the events of the past year, and discuss youth rights with activists from throughout the country. This year’s annual meeting was the best NYRA has ever had. The meeting began with a film entitled Les Enfants Perdus De Tranquility…

Koroknay-Palicz Attends Drug Policy Conference

Koroknay-Palicz Attends Drug Policy Conference

Alex Koroknay-Palicz, NYRA’s Executive Director, recently attended a conference in Long Beach, Calif., organized by the Drug Policy Alliance. The conference attracted many leaders in the drug policy reform movement, including Scarlett Swerdlow, formerly of NYRA’s Board of Directors, and former Sen. John Vasconcellos (D-Cali.), who sponsored an important voting age bill in California. Koroknay-Palicz…

Berkeley Voting Age Update

Berkeley Voting Age Update

NYRA’s Berkeley Chapter remains an active, vital part of the organization. Most recently they have been lobbying for ACA17, a bill that will allow seventeen year olds to vote in primaries if they will be eighteen by the time of the election. The chapter has been urging local government bodies in the Bay Area to…