By reading this title, you may be wondering what the hell it has anything to do with youth rights. This is more of a personal story in connection to a general youth rights theme, so just relax and keep on reading to find out more.

I must let you know that I have been a huge fan of ketchup ever since I was young. I’m not sure how my addiction to it got started, but it seems like it has grown and grown over the years. I don’t want to gross anyone out, but I do like to put ketchup on just about everything I eat – many things that some people consider it as being weird.

And ever since I was young and have had this craving, my dad has criticized me the entire time. My mom and grandparents don’t mind, but they do make a joke about it once in awhile, and I am fine with that.

My dad, on the other hand, has constantly told me to stop eating so much ketchup – to cut back on it. He warns me of supposed risks with consuming a lot of ketchup such as high blood pressure, cholesterol, and other health risks.

Generally, I am pretty healthy. I must admit that I’m not in the greatest shape, but my health does not revolve around my liking of ketchup.

In elementary school and even middle school, the cafeteria workers would only allow students to get three (small) packets of ketchup. It was not an easy thing to get through lunch with, but I managed to do so. In fact, the ketchup packets were only out on the lunch line on days when they felt students should have ketchup – days that they served hamburgers, hot dogs, or other types of meat.

Now, in high school, there is a big container of these little ketchup packets that are available for anyone to use and take. I usually take around eight packets of ketchup to my table every day, and it’s not like I am wasting it – I use every bit of it.

And, even today, I often face ridicule for using so much ketchup. Some friends of mine think it is disgusting – which I am sure a lot of people would agree. Some other people think I’m only doing it for attention. Well, I’m sorry, why the hell would I be eating all of this ketchup-laden food if I didn’t like it?

What is it with restrictions on ketchup? Sure, the cafeteria must pay for it, but why was it limited to a small amount and only on certain days in elementary school?

It all comes down to one thing. If a student is old enough to decide what to order at lunch, then I have news for you, he is also old enough to decide what kind of food he wants to eat.

My father may continue to chastise me, but I won’t put up with it. My mom doesn’t let him get away with it either. It’s my right to eat ketchup, and I will continue to do so until I no longer crave it as much as I do.

Please pass the ketchup.


  1. Ketchup is good. I’m told I used to put it on just about everything too when I was little. Kicked the habit, though.

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