NYRA Freedom

ISSN 1933-5229

Volume 1, Issue 5

January 12, 2002


NYRA v. Curfews
Tax Status Almost Here
NCSS and ABA Conference
“Youth Rights in America”
Tabling at SSDP
Chapter News


We at NYRA apologize for the extreme lateness of the November and December issues of “NYRA Freedom” We have unfortunately lost Ryan Bolz, our newsletter editor. A new editor, Kerri Jones, has been hired and she will begin work on January’s edition of “NYRA Freedom” This issue will cover news from November and December to get caught up.In this issue, “NYRA Freedom” will highlight our soon to be historic involvement in fighting curfews in court, and several appearances by NYRA officials plus will touch briefly on recent chapter news and various other topics.

NYRA v. Curfews

NYRA will be writing an Amicus Curiae Brief for a curfew case brought to the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals. The Indiana Civil Liberties Union is challenging the statewide curfew in Indiana and has recently lost in District Court, they now are appealing the decision and NYRA will get involved. The Amicus Brief or “friend of the court” is like lobbying a court to see something our way. There is a good chance this case may go to the US Supreme Court and may decide the constitutionality of curfew laws all across the country. NYRA has a chance to defeat all curfews in one action. Currently NYRA is assembling a legal team to write the court brief.

Tax Status Almost Here

NYRA’s long quest to attain charitable tax status is almost over. Treasurer Chris Manley has submitted the 501(c)3 forms to the IRS and we are just waiting on the IRS to process and approve them. Once that is done NYRA will open its bank account and start soliciting grant money. Mark Stanford has been appointed chairman of the new Fundraising Committee and has a goal of raising the $500 needed to open NYRA’s bank account. All members are encouraged to donate money, if you are interested please contact NYRA at: NYRAUSA@….

NCSS and ABA Conference

NYRA President Alex Koroknay-Palicz spoke at the national conference for the National Council on Social Studies facilitated by the American Bar Association. Koroknay-Palicz got a chance to speak with many teachers and educators from around the country about Youth Rights as a means to encourage civic involvement of our youth. Many contacts were made and numbers exchanged.

“Youth Rights in America”

Alex Koroknay-Palicz and NYRA Vice President Christopher Coes spoke at three sessions of the National Youth Leadership Forum. Presenting a seminar titled “Youth Rights in America” the NYRA leaders introduced dozens of leaders to Youth Rights. NYRA received wonderful support and accolades from all those in attendance, welcome to everyone who joined! As part of NYRA’s brand new Picture Gallery you can take a look at Christopher Coes’ NYLF presentation, visit www.youtrights.org/whatwevedone.shtml and follow the link on the right.

Tabling at SSDP

DC area NYRA members tabled at the national conference for Students for a Sensible Drug Policy. We got good participation from NYRA-DC members and signed up many new members, welcome everyone! One of the speakers at the conference was Ethan Nadelmann leader of the Drug Policy Foundation. Nadelmann spoke at length about how the drug legalization movement needs to work with those in support of lowering the drinking age. Nearly all conference goers supported lowering the drinking age. Check out the NYRA table in the NYRA picture gallery.

Chapter News

NYRA members in Augusta, GA have scored another victory for free expression. Their high school attempted to prevent private displays of the Dixie flag, but after organized resistance by NYRA members and students of all races the school backed down.

The NYRA-DC chapter has found new leadership. Paul and Gillian St. Lawrence have agreed to head up the chapter. They are preparing an organizational plan and will begin work with the chapter in January.

NYRA-AU had a free showing of Disney’s “Newsies” in November. Many students attended and were treated to New York cuisine and an excellent movie with a powerful Youth Rights message. Flyers explaining Youth Rights were distributed.

All members interested in forming a chapter are encouraged to contact Sandy Sathapornwongkul, the new CFR Chairman, at cfrnrya@….


This has been the fifth issue of “NYRA Freedom”. The months are slowly running by, and the news is constantly rolling in. These are exciting times in NYRA, so let’s all make the most of it! Whether you are actively involved in a local chapter, or simply have personal views on youth rights, there is always a place for you in NYRA. Thanks to everyone who make what we are doing possible!