One of NYRA’s greatest assets is its extensive web site. NYRA recently added a new photo gallery to, and a time line of important events in NYRA history to the Youth Rights Network. The gallery, set up by Jason Kende and Alex Koroknay-Palicz, is far easier to organize and update than the old one. The photo gallery is still incomplete, so check back for updates. Also, if you have youth rights pictures on your computer, register to post them in the gallery. The gallery can be viewed here. Some months ago, NYRA began utilizing in order to create a youth rights network, which consists of a youth rights law library and an online encyclopedia of sorts. Anyone can add or edit entries on Recently Alex Koroknay-Palicz added a time line to this site that catalogues the dates of important events in NYRA’s history. Feel free to check out the timeline and add anything you feel is appropriate.

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