NYRA is expanding the number of staff, and we have a great need for
volunteers. There is always a great amount of work to do, if you have ever
wanted to get involved now is your chance. Please review available positions
at our Internship Section. Whether you have a talent in Writing, Art, Editing, Management, Outreach, Legal Services, or Leadership,
we’ve got a spot for you. Please review positions here
Need Members for Board of Directors
It is now the midterm for the tenure of 2001-2002 Board Members and we have
had some turn over. Alex Cotoia, Mark Stanford, and Matt Herman have all
resigned or been removed because of inactivity. There are now 3 positions
open on the NYRA Board of Directors. This body is the ultimate authority in
NYRA, it requires a good measure of committment and offers much prestigue.
Please apply here