NYRA Freedom

ISSN 1933-5229

Scott Davidson and Adam King

Volume 6, Issue 12

December 10, 2006


NYRA Receives Large Grant
NYRA-OC Lobbies for Youth Rights
BBC Produces Youth Rights Oriented Program
HOSA Lowers Arbitrary Grade Level Requirement
Call for Donations
News from the Web


This month’s issue will contain some of the best news we have ever had the opportunity to relay to our members. NYRA received its first significant grant. If members continue to donate as generously as they have in the past, this could mean that NYRA will soon have the financial support it needs to operate in a highly productive manner. Words can not adequately express the significance of this grant, nor can they express the continued importance of donations from members.

NYRA Receives Large Grant

Last year, NYRA’s Executive Director, Alex Koroknay-Palicz, submitted a number of grant applications. Most of the foundations turned NYRA down except for the Babson Foundation. The foundation invited NYRA to submit a full proposal and said that we should hear back in a few months. On December 8, NYRA heard back, receiving a check for $8,000. $8,000 is an incredibly large amount of money by NYRA’s standards. This one grant nearly equals our entire budget for the 05-06 term, and is eight times more money than we have ever received at one time.

The money will go toward a number of things, but building the organizational infrastructure necessary to challenge the voting age in a serious and effective way will be a priority. One immediate concern is securing affordable office space. Koroknay-Palicz and NYRA’s President Scott Davidson are already looking at offices in the DC area. This is arguably the best thing that has ever happened to NYRA. If the membership follows through and continues to donate time and money, this could go down as a watershed moment in the movement’s history.

NYRA-OC Lobbies for Youth Rights

NYRA’s Orange County chapter recently attended a meeting of the California Democratic Party’s resolutions committee. NYRA-OC members introduced two resolutions at the meeting – one recognizing the human rights of all people regardless of age, and another calling for an end to compulsory school attendance laws. The committee rejected the resolution regarding compulsory attendance, and even went so far as to vote in opposition to it. NYRA-OC attributes much of this opposition to the California Teachers Association. The other human rights resolution received unanimous support from the Senior Caucus. When it was brought up for a vote it was referred back to the author, but NYRA-OC thinks it could be passed and prioritized in the future.

BBC Produces Youth Rights Oriented Program

The BBC’s World Service recently produced a series on growing up in various parts of the world. The series, which is being played on the radio in many countries, examines a number of issues facing young people and includes a multitude of perspectives, including youth-rights friendly ones. Scott Davidson and Alex Koroknay-Palicz were both interviewed for the project, as were several younger people with ties to NYRA.

NYRA members are encouraged to check this out. You can listen online at http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/programmes/documentary_archive/6207590.stm.

HOSA Lowers Arbitrary Grade Level Requirement

Before November 2006, only rising high school seniors and rising college freshmen could run for a state officer position with North Carolina HOSA. In October, NYRA Vice President Adam King provided compelling reasons for why rising juniors should be allowed to run for office. (The election is in March, and the term doesn’t start until May. Therefore, a rising junior would only be a sophomore for one month before he becomes a junior. Also, there may be many qualified rising juniors who would make great officers, but they would still not be allowed to run.)

King received word a few days ago that the board of directors has agreed with his concerns that rising juniors should be able to run for office. That is great news!

Call for Donations

NYRA is on the verge of being able to effect real change on a scale that is unprecedented in the youth rights movement. We are on our way, but we are not there yet. It is imperative that we have an office, pay our Executive Director, and have funds left over for printing expenses, phone bills, and other things of this nature. With the holidays rapidly approaching, asking for or giving a donation as a gift is a great idea.

News from the Web

Sao Paulo Fashion Week imposes age limit

Cat and mouse, on the web

Teen Rebellion – A Western Export?

Boy, 9, Evades Kidnapping Outside School

Open your gifts early? Your mom can have you arrested.

Log on, drop out, cash in

GPS Surveillance Creeps into Daily Life

County mulls youth curfew, Residents hope clampdown will curb vandalism

Boot camp ex-guards, nurse charged in boy’s death

Go Ahead, I Dare You

10 is the new 15 as kids grow up faster

Gardner liquor store selling wine featuring high school mascot

Students set Rules at New York City School

Cops bottle up tailgaters: Students find way to potty hard at Harvard-Yale game

Cell Phone Ban Angers Students

Youth Campaign to Have a Say

Youth turnout in election biggest in 20 years


As was stated earlier, this was an excellent month for NYRA. It was not, however, one free of bad news. Adam King, citing time constraints, will no longer be writing regularly for NYRA Freedom. King may continue to write for NYRA Freedom from time to time, and NYRA Treasurer Zach Hobesh may begin writing for the newsletter.

NYRA has reached new heights in terms of its financial well being. We can now afford to fight for youth rights in a more effective manner. If we continue to get donations from our members, it is reasonable to expect over $20,000 in revenue in 2007. If you care about lowering the voting age, democratizing schools, and protecting the rights and dignity of young people, consider making a donation.