NYRA Freedom

ISSN 1933-5229

Volume 3, Issue 1

January 29, 2003


Anchorage Voting Age Campaign
North Dakota Voting Age Campaign
Gulag Schools No Longer OK in OK
NYRA Moving to New Server
Chapter News


Dear Friends, the month of January has brought with it many reasons to rejoice for us in the youth rights community. In other civil rights movements, the right to vote has been a key first step in obtaining other rights for the oppressed individuals. Currently, over one-fourth of Americans are denied the right to vote based on age, when these people are granted the right to vote their voice will no longer be muffled by the muzzle of ageism. Currently, in Anchorage Alaska the youth civic rights movement is fighting to lower the voting age to sixteen, also the NYRA is fighting to lower the voting age in North Dakota to sixteen as well. [[Gulag schools]] are one of the worst manifestations of ageism in the world, in Oklahoma, youth rights activists are pushing to hinder the evil ways of these so called “schools.” These stories, as well as information regarding local NYRA chapters are included in this issue of NYRA freedom.

Anchorage Voting Age Campaign

The Youth Civic Rights Movement has brought youths and adults together to lower the municipal voting age in the municipality of Anchorage Alaska from eighteen to sixteen. They have been very successful in publicizing their cause.

Although it does not look like they will get the required number of signatures, it may appear on the ballot anyway, due to the positive discussion that has taken place.

However, in the city of Anchorage Alaska 60% of adults believe that teens are a negative influence on the community. There is also a state law prohibiting people under the age of eighteen from submitting state petitions. Corey Rennell, the group’s leader, has made it clear he will challenge this in court. Mr. Rennell is armed with an argument based on the first amendment right to petition and the fourteenth amendment definition of a citizen as someone born/naturalized in the united states. Should the courts do what is just, young people will have legal justification to demand many rights that they have been denied in the past. Also, young people across the country will look to the Supreme Court ruling regarding young people in Alaska and demand the right to vote themselves. The events in Anchorage will get the ball rolling for the entire Youth Civic Rights Movement.

NYRA supports and is working with The Youth Civic Rights Movement and Corey Rennell.

North Dakota Voting Age Campaign

One of NYRA’s top priorities is the North Dakota voting age campaign. Johnathan McClure of the North Dakota NYRA is proposing that the definition of a qualified elector (voting age) be changed from eighteen to sixteen, and that the requirements for state legislator be changed from qualified elector to eighteen or high school diploma/GED. The second point may seem a little ageist, but it silences the people who will ask why young people should miss school for if they get elected.

So far Mr. McClure has rallied the support of three legislators (two republicans one democrat) and he needs more legislators from both parties to support our cause. NYRA North Dakota is currently trying to contact the League of Women Voters to see if they are interested in helping.

Gulag Schools No Longer OK in OK

“Behavior Modification School” is a euphemism for gulag school. These “schools” take young people and systematically brainwash them, meanwhile taking money from their parents. NYRA and the youth rights movement in general is dedicated to fighting this most evil form of oppression.

Behavior modification schools do not exist only in some far away, developing nation, but in the United States of America. They thrive in states with little regulations, such as Oklahoma.

In Oklahoma, a bill is being presented that will ease the pain of oppressed youth subject to this evil. Currently, any parent who thinks their child suffers from a behavioral disorder, or simply needs an excuse to banish them, can pay to have their son or daughter imprisoned in a gulag school. This bill will require a court order as well as a hearing for a person to be sent to such a place. The proposed legislation will ban the common practice of abducting the youths without warning when they are being sent to a gulag school.

There is currently a lot of support for this bill, however some people in power believe that such places do not exist in Oklahoma. The problem is that these schools are hidden from the public eye, because the people who run them know what they are doing is wrong.

The elimination of these schools is an essential part of the liberation of all young people. It is a system that denies all rights to an individual simply because they are young and because they may or may not suffer from a mental, learning, or social disorder. If adults were treated this way, there would be a much louder cry for reform, this is ageism at it’s worst.

NYRA Moving to New Server

NYRA has obtained a new server for our web page. We will now be hosted by American Internet Communications (amhosting.com). So far we have had a wonderful history with Matt Herman of ecg.net we are grateful of his generosity and kindness. After February 8, look for many new features at youthrights.org.


On Saturday, January 18, NYRA-DC President Laura Finstad lead a recruiting effort at the large antiwar rally in Washington, DC. Unfortunately due to illness and other absences the effort was hampered and not as successful as past events.

On January 25-26, members from NYRA-AU, NYRA-DC and NYRA-USA joined to work a table at the National Conference on Organized Resistance which is held annually on the campus of American University. Over 150 new members were recruited, many positive to have heard of this great organization that campaigns for the rights of young people.

If you know of an event in your area that would work well for NYRA member recruitment, please contact NYRAUSA@aol.com.

Chapter News


Stefen Samarriapas has resigned as president of NYRA Tennessee Valley. We wish him much luck in his continuing campaign against a Chattanooga mall which prohibits the entry of youth on weekend evenings.


On January 4, a meeting was held for members of NYRA-DC. A representative from Youth Venture was present to discuss a partnership between NYRA and Youth Venture. Youth Venture will be providing financial support to NYRA-DC, we are all grateful and excited that we have been given this generous opportunity. NYRA-DC has done a lot of recruiting and they are planning a fundraiser concert. Their next meeting will take place on February 1 at the Cleveland Park Library, they will elect chapter officers.


DeWarren Langley has been appointed Director of chapter formation. If anyone would like to form a chapter please contact him at this address: firstblaqprez@netzero.net


In conclusion January has been a productive month If there is anything anyone would like covered or printed in future issues of NYRA Freedom, please email me. My email address is scottdavidson39@hotmail.com

Scott A.R. Davidson NYRA Freedom Editor-in-Chief