NYRA has written a Memorandum of Support for a bill introduced in the New York Assembly & Senate that would allow New York City to appoint 16 and 17-year-olds to local community boards. These community boards have an important advisory role in dealing with land use and zoning matters, the City budget, municipal service delivery, and many other matters relating to their communities’ welfare. This is an important step to providing young people a true voice in their government and community.
This bill, introduced by Assemblyman Brian Kavanagh and State Senator Andrew Lanza, is the newest chapter in a campaign NYRA has been involved in since 2005. At that time Future Voters of America (FVA) and New York City Councilwoman Gale Brewer introduced a bill to lower the voting age to 16 in New York City. The effort brought a great deal of attention to the issue but ultimately did not pass. Groups supporting that effort, such as FVA, NYRA and the Police Athletic League then worked on a campaign to allow young people on community boards in the city. The bill nearly passed last year, and all involved feel we have a good opportunity to pass it now. Read NYRA’s Memorandum of Support here.