New Board Elected!

New Board Elected!

The 2001 NYRA Elections have finished! It was a competitive election with wonderful turnout, over 60 members voted. The top six vote getters were: Alex Koroknay-Palicz, Christopher Coes, Alex Cotoia, Matt Herman, Chris Manley and Mark Stanford. All newly elected Directors will attend an online meeting shortly to elect officers for the 2001-2002 term. The…

NYRA-AU To Show “Newsies”

NYRA-AU To Show “Newsies”

On November 15th, the American University NYRA chapter will show the Disney movie, “Newsies” for the campus. The showing will be free and food will be provided. “Newsies” tells the tale of newsboys in New York who stand up for their rights and go on strike. A handout will be distrubuted that relates the movie…

Meeting On Saturday

Meeting On Saturday

The General Meeting is scheduled for this Saturday in Washington, DC and will conclude this year’s Board of Directors election. Details on the meeting can be found at the new Election Section, just Click Here to visit the page and also to cast your ballot before Saturday! All members can attend the meeting and vote.

DC Chapter Reformed

DC Chapter Reformed

Paul and Gillian St. Lawrence have agreed to head up the NYRA-DC chapter after a recent meeting in Washington, DC. They are in the process of assembling a group of young DC area leaders to help with the chapter, if you are interested in helping out click here. DC is a hotbed for Youth Rights…

AU Chapter Secures Budget

AU Chapter Secures Budget

The American University NYRA chapter has had its $800 dollar budget approved by the university this week. In March NYRA-AU is planning on bringing Dr. David Hanson to campus to speak about lowering the Drinking Age. NYRA-AU is also planning on holding fundraising concerts and helping with the Anti-Age Discrimination campaign. NYRA-AU’s first meeting of…

NYRA Wins Battle In Michigan

NYRA Wins Battle In Michigan

All three of the discriminating businesses in Michigan have taken down their signs in response to NYRA’s action against them. This is a total victory for Youth Rights and NYRA. So far NYRA is 4 for 4 and is looking to expand this highly successful campaign to the Washington, DC area. Two stores have been…

Board Nominations Needed

Board Nominations Needed

Every year NYRA holds elections for the Board of Directors according to our bylaws. This year’s election starts October 9 and concludes November 10 at a meeting on the campus of American University. We need nominations for the Board of Directors, anyone can run so if you are interested or know someone who is please…

More Age Discrimination in Michigan

More Age Discrimination in Michigan

NYRA is again taking action against discriminatory businesses in West Michigan. Three businesses in Holland and Zeeland Michigan have policies that limit young people allowed in their establishment. A similar case was pursued and won regarding a Blimpies subshop. The Michigan Civil Rights Department will get involved supporting NYRA’s position. Read coverage in the Grand…