Campaign Finance Reform Passes

Campaign Finance Reform Passes

The Campaign Finance Reform bill has passed both houses of congress and has been signed into law by President Bush. The Anti-Youth section still included in the passed law. “This is a sad defeat for Youth Rights and democracy.” said NYRA President, Alex Koroknay-Palicz. NYRA still intends to get the word out about section 319’s…

DC Members Attend March

DC Members Attend March

Washington, DC NYRA members joined a youth march against violence on Tuesday. Members brought signs bearing slogans such as, “Zero-Tolerance is violence against youth”, “Curfews Attack Youth”, and “What about Adult Crime?”. Literature was passed out to other marchers and our ideas were well received by the other marchers.

A Fight For Student Freedom

A Fight For Student Freedom

A student in Cranford, NJ unites a school against it’s “zero tolerance” regulation towards “non-model” behavior off school grounds. The policy states that “being a leader is a 24 hour commitment”, that all participants of co-curricular activities fully responsible for any immoral or illegal behavior outside of school. As student Josh Lasky puts it, “I…

HB 4627 Passes

HB 4627 Passes

After a modest campaign this summer to derail the Michigan bill that would legalize discrimination against youth in hotels this legislation has been passed into law by Governor John Engler. Other anti-discrimination protections remain in Michigan for youth. While not successful NYRA’s campaign succeeded in changing a few minds and raising awareness for Youth Rights.

Victory for New Chapter

Victory for New Chapter

The newly formed Augusta, Georgia NYRA chapter has already won its first battle. The local high school attempted to ban all private displays of the Confederate Flag and after pressure from the NYRA-AUG chapter the school removed the policy. Students of all races were upset over the new policy since it limited their freedom of…

NYRA To Fight Curfew

NYRA To Fight Curfew

After loosing in district court the Indiana Civil Liberties Union is carrying their fight to strike down the Indiana curfew law to the federal court of appeals. NYRA will be writing an Amicus Curiae Brief for this case which will let the court know NYRA’s reasons why the curfew should be repealed. NYRA is assembling…