Call for Donations

Call for Donations

Some time ago, NYRA board member Keith Mandell announced he would purchase a $50 gift card to whichever NYRA member donated the most money by October 21st. Since then NYRA members have contributed over $600. While we are grateful for this amount of money, NYRA can not continue to operate at this rate. It is…

NYRA Hiring Interns

NYRA Hiring Interns

For many years, NYRA did not have an office. The organization was run almost entirely from the homes and computers of its members. This changed when The Center for Voting and Democracy provided NYRA with an office in Takoma Park, Maryland, a suburb of Washington D.C. NYRA has also begun paying its Executive Director to…

Berkeley Voting Age Update

Berkeley Voting Age Update

NYRA’s Berkeley Chapter remains an active, vital part of the organization. Most recently they have been lobbying for ACA17, a bill that will allow seventeen year olds to vote in primaries if they will be eighteen by the time of the election. The chapter has been urging local government bodies in the Bay Area to…

Fox News Appearance

Fox News Appearance

After NYRA member Alexis Grant appeared in USA Today to argue against raising the driving age, Alex Koroknay-Palicz was invited to appear on Fox News to discuss teen driving issues. The appearance, which was covered in last month’s issue of NYRA Freedom, was an overwhelming success by all accounts. On the heels of that appearance,…