Pet Store

Pet Store

I walk on by this cute little Gaithersburg pet store, and what should I see on the door but an orange cardboard sign reading “Children under 16 MUST be accompanied by an adult at all times. Thank you.” So, naturally, I expect an explanation for this, what with my mental ageism detectors going off and all.

The NYRA Blog Begins

The NYRA Blog Begins

NYRA is embarking on a new venture to get the word out to young and old alike. This blog will be a showcase for youth voices and their allies, and will provide a running commentary on the good, the bad, and the ugly in the world of youth rights. Check here often to find daily…

NYRA Gains Technical Support

NYRA Gains Technical Support

NYRA members may begin to notice changes on the website and on the forums. In mid-November, James (Jim) Pleger joined the developers at NYRA to enhance the site. With the additional help, NYRA will become more integrated and user-friendly. He is currently studying Computer Information Systems (CIS) at a local college in Phoenix, Ariz. While…

Koroknay-Palicz Attends Drug Policy Conference

Koroknay-Palicz Attends Drug Policy Conference

Alex Koroknay-Palicz, NYRA’s Executive Director, recently attended a conference in Long Beach, Calif., organized by the Drug Policy Alliance. The conference attracted many leaders in the drug policy reform movement, including Scarlett Swerdlow, formerly of NYRA’s Board of Directors, and former Sen. John Vasconcellos (D-Cali.), who sponsored an important voting age bill in California. Koroknay-Palicz…

Volunteers Still Needed

Volunteers Still Needed

NYRA still needs regional captains in the central, midwest and the northeast regions. Regional captains are responsible for chapter development. The job entails about eight to ten hours of work per week, and it may count towards school community service requirements. Anyone who is interested the positions should email Keith Mandell Also, NYRA is still…

New Merchandise Store Added

New Merchandise Store Added

For a long time, NYRA has sold its merchandise through Café Press. Café Press charged a lot of money, and NYRA saw little of the profit. NYRA has always wanted to create a store on its own web space, that we could run ourselves to raise money and awareness. Alex Koroknay-Palicz, NYRA’s Executive Director, recently…