For no one but themselves

For no one but themselves

In the summer of 1863, the Union army began forming all-black regiments to fight in the Civil War. Many black leaders were ecstatic that their people could take a greater role in a war that was being fought in large part for their freedom. They also felt that if they proved themselves worthy in battle,…

NYRA Receives Grant

NYRA Receives Grant

Chris Lydon, a NYRA member from New Jersey, applied for a grant through his employer, Time Warner. Lydon has done work for NYRA in the past by volunteering at Warped Tour events in New Jersey, and attending meetings in New York. Time Warner gave NYRA a grant in the amount of 1000 dollars, the single…

Paterson Chapter Fights Curfew

Paterson Chapter Fights Curfew

This fall the Paterson, New Jersey City Council asked residents to vote on whether they would support a youth curfew ordinance. The Council did not present any details or any kind of plan, and the only relevant court case in New Jersey resulted in a ruling against curfews. Unfortunately, Paterson voters overwhelmingly supported the proposed…

School uniforms and collectivism

School uniforms and collectivism

To me, school uniforms are so vehemently opposed by young people in the United States because they violate our individual-centured culture. In other countries, such as east Asian, Native-American, or African cultures, uniforms do not arouse the same level of ire because their cultures are collective in nature. Uniforms, because of their inherent nature, seem…

Teen Driving Fallacies

Teen Driving Fallacies

It’s been nearly 13 months since Alex KP, Dave Varney, Alexis Grant, Rio Samsie, and I went to this “Town Hall” meeting at Bethesda Chevy-Chase High School. The subject was a favorite of those with political power: teen driving. Although, I suppose anything related to teens is a favorite of politicians: just take more rights…