Strip Searched for Advil

Strip Searched for Advil

I see pretty appalling news stories every day on the youth rights news wire, but I have to say this one really got to me. Basically, school officials in Arizona forced a 13-year-old to strip down all the way, even removing her underwear, just because they suspected she had some ibuprofen. This happened four years…

Are You Joking?

Are You Joking?

I’ve taken a few courses on Constitutional Law, I’m not a lawyer, I’m not even a paralegal, but I feel I have a firm enough grounding on the fundamentals of Con Law to feel relatively confident in talking about constitutional guarantees to free speech. In a story that seems to come right out of the…

On the Debate

On the Debate

First, I’d just like to introduce myself, my name is Bryan Jennings and I’m an intern at NYRA’s National Office, cozy little place that it is, here in Washington DC. I’m at American University for the Semester, but I usually go to Franklin & Marshall College in Lancaster Pennsylvania. Those interested in knowing more are…

New Board, New Officers

New Board, New Officers

One of the first actions of any new board of directors is to appoint its officers. NYRA is no exception. In the ever important first board meeting of the 2007 – 2008 cycle new officers were appointed to their respective positions. The Presidency was attained by Adam King from North Carolina who has been until…

Drinking Age Media Blitz

Drinking Age Media Blitz

On August 14, national news service MSNBC featured a headline on a topic central to NYRA: the debate to lower the drinking age. The full article and video, including a poll, are available online and include a tip of the hat to the National Youth Rights Association. Dozens of local TV and radio stations across…

Board Election Results

Board Election Results

This election has been as exciting as always, and as much of a surprise as all elections are. Eleven candidates ran for nine seats in the Board of Directors this year. Incumbents Alex Koroknay-Palicz, Alex Hull-Richter, Adam King, Keith Mandell, and Katrina Moncure were all re-elected to their seats. The newly elected members of the…