What We’re Up Against

What We’re Up Against

First, look at this news story. It was early last month when Jane Hambleton of Fort Dodge found the bottle under the front seat of her 19-year-old son’s pride and joy. Her next move was a call to The Des Moines Register’s classified advertising department: OLDS 1999 Intrigue “Totally uncool parents who obviously don’t love…

Wow… Just… Wow.

Wow… Just… Wow.

Okay, well, first things first. Alex Koroknay-Palicz, our executive director, got profiled in the Washington Post, for those interested in the article (its quite decent) it can be found here. Now, having been here while the article was written, we were actually expecting something more about the organization and less about him, but hey, it…

For the Children

For the Children

All the child advocates out there, all the parents’ groups, all the public interest people… they have one supposed goal. They must protect children. They must help children. They must do all they can, even things the children might not like right now, for the children. Sure enough, there are people who may think NYRA…

Abusive Teen “Gulag Schools” Come Under Congressional Scrutiny

Abusive Teen “Gulag Schools” Come Under Congressional Scrutiny

On October 10, the U.S. Government Accountability Office reported on the findings of its investigating into so called “wilderness programs.” Said Greg Kutz, managing director of forensic audits and special investigations, “If you walked in part way through my presentation, you might have assumed that I was talking about human rights violations in a third…