What’s Your Ah-Ha Moment?

What’s Your Ah-Ha Moment?

NYRA staff receive e-mails all the time from people discovering the movement for the first time. Everyone seems to have very similar reactions, “Wow! I’ve supported youth rights for years, but thought I was the only one!” or “Something always seemed a bit off about how youth were treated, but I never thought of it…

Marvin Stops Crime

Marvin Stops Crime

I became a pretty unpopular guy last week with a lot of Washingtonians when we defeated the Mosquito. Some folks are hoping that I get mugged by a hooligan. Others want to sue me. Someone posted my home and work address on the Internet. One particularly eloquent fellow called me a Jewboy and wished death…

NYRA Freedom Volume 10, Issue 9

NYRA Freedom Volume 10, Issue 9

== NYRA Freedom == ISSN 1933-5229 Volume 10, Issue 9 September 15, 2010 Editors: Julian Gutierrez, Jackie Ferro, Emily Sanders Publisher: David Moss == Contents == – The Mosquito’s Sting – Election Day Events Across the Country – What’s Your Ah-Ha Moment? – Thanks West Palm Beach Police Department! – National Youth Listening Tour –…