When Youth Leaders Sell Out

When Youth Leaders Sell Out

You’ve seen “convenient youth voice” happen, or maybe you’ve done it yourself: A young person gets a position with an adult-led group, and suddenly they start dressing and talking like an adult. Adults often reward this behavior with recognition and encouragement, even foisting these “youth leaders” into more representative positions. In a way, adults are rewarding compliance: By acting like us, we are not threatened by them, and this must be acknowledged.

NYRA-LA Weighs In On Daytime Curfew

NYRA-LA Weighs In On Daytime Curfew

Recently, councilmembers in San Juan Capistrano, California considered proposals to enhance their existing curfew laws. Amongst the new ideas considered were a daytime curfew during school hours and increased fines for the parents of young people who dare to go outside. Realizing that council members weren’t completely sold on the idea and that they clearly…

NYRA’s 2011 Annual Meeting

NYRA’s 2011 Annual Meeting

Mark your calendars now; NYRA’s 2011 annual meeting will take place in the nation’s capital, Washington D.C., on August 6th and 7th of 2011. The annual meeting, held every year since 1998, is host to a congregation of dedicated NYRA members and activists from around the country for a weekend of presentations and discussions about…

NYRA Freedom, Volume 11, Issue 1

NYRA Freedom, Volume 11, Issue 1

== NYRA Freedom == ISSN 1933-5229 Volume 11, Issue 1 January 13, 2011 Editors: Julian Gutierrez, Jackie Ferro, Emily Sanders, Lauran Potter Publisher: David Moss == Contents == – Introduction – National Youth Rights Day – NYRA’s 2011 Annual Meeting – The Program Documentary – NYRA-LA Weighs In On Daytime Curfew – Get Connected –…

The Drinking Age Misconception

The Drinking Age Misconception

One of our bigger campaigns here at NYRA is lowering the drinking age, the issue about which we’ve probably gotten the most press, as well as the most vocal opposition, whether angry opinion articles or pro-21 forum trolls or that time Alex Koroknay-Palicz was tabling and someone came up and screamed at him after merely…