NYRA Freedom, Volume 11, Issue 2

NYRA Freedom, Volume 11, Issue 2

ISSN 1933-5229 Volume 11, Issue 2 February 17, 2011 Editors: Jackie Ferro, Katrina Moncure, Sidnei Banks, Alex Koroknay-Palicz Publisher: David Moss Contents – Introduction – NYRA President is Becoming a Regular on the National Stage – Real Progress on Lowering the Voting Age in Washington State led by NYRA-Seattle – Chapter Meeting a Huge Success…

NYRA Goes Back on CNN Tonight to Defend Privacy on Facebook

NYRA Goes Back on CNN Tonight to Defend Privacy on Facebook

Mahwah, NJ Police Chief James Batelli is telling parents they need to steal their kid’s Facebook password. As he did the last time some terribly misinformed local politician got hysterical about invading youth privacy, NYRA President Jeffrey Nadel will be going on CNN’s Headline News to bring reason, common sense and actual facts into the debate. As is typically the case, those advocating infringing upon the rights of youth are lacking in all three.

Pulling Up Your Pants Is Easy, Parenting Is Hard

Pulling Up Your Pants Is Easy, Parenting Is Hard

I am not a parent and I do not know everything there is to know about parenting. What I do know is that parenting is very difficult and that being a good parent is one of the most important things a person can do in their life time. In order to do that I believe it’s very important to get some advice from experts and to realize that there are no simple solutions when it comes to raising kids.

When Youth Leaders Sell Out

When Youth Leaders Sell Out

You’ve seen “convenient youth voice” happen, or maybe you’ve done it yourself: A young person gets a position with an adult-led group, and suddenly they start dressing and talking like an adult. Adults often reward this behavior with recognition and encouragement, even foisting these “youth leaders” into more representative positions. In a way, adults are rewarding compliance: By acting like us, we are not threatened by them, and this must be acknowledged.