NYRA Freedom Volume 2, Issue 5

NYRA Freedom Volume 2, Issue 5

NYRA Freedom ISSN 1933-5229 Volume 2, Issue 5 June 3, 2002 Contents: Introduction Anti-Segregation Summer Begins General Meeting Called Back to CNN Again NYRA-MA Fundraising Success Board Expands Chapter News Recap Introduction First let me say congratulations to everyone who has just graduated! For those of you who aren’t done with school forever, breath a…

NYRA Freedom Volume 2, Issue 4

NYRA Freedom Volume 2, Issue 4

NYRA Freedom ISSN 1933-5229 Volume 2, Issue 4 April 25, 2002 Contents: Introduction Cambridge Lowers Voting Age Publicity Committee Formed Sarah Lawrence Speaks at AU Slogan Search Underway New Features on Webpage High School Directory Project Begins NYRA Recruits at DC Peace Rally Chapter News Recap Introduction It is now the end of NYRA’s first…

NYRA Freedom Volume 2, Issue 3

NYRA Freedom Volume 2, Issue 3

NYRA Freedom ISSN 1933-5229 Volume 2, Issue 3 March 24, 2002 Contents: Introduction Campaign Finance Reform Battle NYRA-AU Welcomes Dr. Hanson NYRA Restructures NYLF Conferences Chapter News Recap Introduction March is here, and, for many of us, the beginning of Spring’s warm weather. It’s the season for baseball and track meets, and its also a…



Age is not an accomplishment, and youth is not a sin. Robert Heinlein It is idle to talk of civil liberties to adults who were systematically taught in adolescence that they had none; and it is sheer hypocrisy to call such people freedom loving. Edgar Friedenberg “The Dignity of Youth and Other Atavisms” Too many…

NYRA Freedom Volume 1, Issue 5

NYRA Freedom Volume 1, Issue 5

NYRA Freedom ISSN 1933-5229 Volume 1, Issue 5 January 12, 2002 Contents: Introduction NYRA v. Curfews Tax Status Almost Here NCSS and ABA Conference “Youth Rights in America” Tabling at SSDP Chapter News Recap Introduction We at NYRA apologize for the extreme lateness of the November and December issues of “NYRA Freedom” We have unfortunately…

NYRA Freedom Volume 1, Issue 4

NYRA Freedom Volume 1, Issue 4

NYRA Freedom ISSN 1933-5229 Volume 1, Issue 4 October 24, 2001 Contents: Introduction NYRA Election 1200 Members Quote of the Month Victory in Michigan “Break-Out Session” Chapter News Recap Introduction For all those who are new to the National Youth Rights Association (NYRA), my name is Ryan Bolz, editor of “NYRA Freedom”. The newsletter is…

NYRA Freedom Volume 1, Issue 3

NYRA Freedom Volume 1, Issue 3

NYRA Freedom ISSN 1933-5229 Volume 1, Issue 3 September 24, 2001 Contents: Introduction Attack on America Age Discrimination Promotional Committee New Treasurer Chapter Highlights Board Nominations Recap Introduction For all those who are new to the National Youth Rights Association (NYRA), my name is Ryan Bolz, editor of “NYRA Freedom.” The newsletter is here to…

NYRA Freedom Volume 1, Issue 2

NYRA Freedom Volume 1, Issue 2

NYRA Freedom ISSN 1933-5229 Volume 1, Issue 2 August 24, 2001 Contents: Introduction CNN/RNN Debates ACLU Curfew Struggle Recruiting Efforts Board of Directors Newsletter Staff Recap Introduction Welcome to the second issue of NYRA Freedom! Yes, that’s right, NYRA Freedom was voted as the number one title choice. Be on the look out for our…