There They Go Again!

There They Go Again!

“Underage drinking has reached epidemic proportions in America” warns Joe Califano, head of the private National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse (CASA). His alarm is ominous, even frightening, as he calls for strong action in response to this national crisis. But relax. Underage drinking isn’t increasing — it’s actually dropping! Not only are fewer…

A New Minority

A New Minority

This excerpt is just a small section from many essays, articles, documents, and letters written on discrimination due to lack of age that one can find on the internet: Thomas Jefferson, one of the founders of this country said that “Those who would sacrifice a little freedom for a little security will lose both and…

Fight For Your Right

Fight For Your Right

The lyrics, “Alcohol my permanent accessory, alcohol a party-time necessity, alcohol alternative to feeling like yourself, oh alcohol I still drink to your health” Can be heard in a familiar song titled “Alcohol” by Barenaked Ladies. This song shows how deeply alcohol has embedded itself in our society and our lives. Some may regard this…

Scapegoating of Youth

Scapegoating of Youth

Throughout history dominant majorities have redirected public attention away from the majorities’ problems and onto an artificially created scapegoat. Many countries have used a variety of scapegoats throughout time; this practice leads to persecution and anger towards the selected minority. Today in North American society a new scapegoat is being fabricated, this scapegoat is our…