Child development: an ageist guide to condescension the professional way

Child development: an ageist guide to condescension the professional way

When I noticed my parents reading a packet on child development distributed by a school that I otherwise respect, I immediately confiscated it, knowing the likely contents. After reading through it, I wrote this rebuttal. The letter explains the rest. Hello, As part of their back to school process, the school I attend distributed your…

Youth Rights Is a Feminist Issue

Youth Rights Is a Feminist Issue

The degree to which the third (current) wave of feminism ignores youth rights issues has always boggled my mind. Historically, second wave feminist leaders like Shulamith Firestone made important contributions to youth rights theory and discussed the oppression of children as an important social fact like the oppression of women and African-Americans. Sadly, while third…

The Camera Isn’t Mine

The Camera Isn’t Mine

Last Christmas, I got my mother a digital camera. She was so excited! A few days earlier, I’d gone to Best Buy, picked one out, paid for it, went home, wrapped it, and placed it under the tree Christmas morning. So when one looks at who paid, you might say the camera belongs to me,…

Ageism Against Youth and Seniors: Parallels Between Age-Based Oppressions

Ageism Against Youth and Seniors: Parallels Between Age-Based Oppressions

Perhaps due to our animosity towards older adults who have oppressed us and perhaps due to our desire to forge our movement’s identity in a context in which senior citizens already have a powerful movement to protect their rights, youth rights activists have often refrained from discussing the parallels between ageist oppression against youth and…

NYRA Freedom, Volume 11, Issue 7

NYRA Freedom, Volume 11, Issue 7

NYRA Freedom Volume 11, Issue 7 August 19, 2011 Contents – NYRA Annual Meeting a Huge Success – Check the BRAND New – NYRA Elects 2011-2012 Board of Directors – First Annual NYRA Bowling Tournament – Remove Age Discrimination from the Illinois Admissions Process – New Northeast Georgia Chapter Off to a Great Start…

National Youth Rights Association Announces Winners of 2011 Annual Awards

National Youth Rights Association Announces Winners of 2011 Annual Awards

WASHINGTON – The National Youth Rights Association (NYRA) announced the recipients of its second annual awards, which were formally presented on July 30 at the 2011 NYRA Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C. Youth rights is the concept that young people are entitled to the rights and civil liberties enjoyed by all American citizens.  Three separate…