NYRA to help ACLU fight Curfew

NYRA to help ACLU fight Curfew

NYRA Representatives recieved word from the Indiana chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union requesting assistance in their battle of the state’s curfew law. The ICLU has asked NYRA to help mobilize youth to speak out against the curfew to provide support while the ICLU fights the law in court. Stay tuned for details on…

NYRA Trounces MADD in Debate

NYRA Trounces MADD in Debate

Alex Koroknay-Palicz, NYRA President, was featured Sunday night on CNN debating lowering the Drinking Age with a member of MADD. Koroknay-Palicz emphasized the fact that lowering the drinking age will promote safer, more responsible drinking. By all accounts the arguments to lower the drinking age carried the day, MADD’s scattered arguments were successfully refuted by…

NYRA President To Appear on CNN

NYRA President To Appear on CNN

Alex Koroknay-Palicz, NYRA’s President will be featured on CNN this Sunday at 5:30 PM Eastern Standard time. Koroknay-Palicz will be discussing lowering the drinking age with a representative from MADD. Encouraged by the news Koroknay-Palicz said, “This is certainly a high-point for Youth Rights. Millions of people across the country will hear arguments in favor…

Green Day Recruiting Drive

Green Day Recruiting Drive

NYRA Representatives from the Washington, DC area attended a Green Day concert on the campus of American University on Sunday, June 24. Wearing NYRA T-shirts and passing out flyers to the fans waiting in line 125 new NYRA members joined the organization. A similar recruiting drive on Tuesday, July 10 at a Baltimore Staind concert…

HB 4627 Clears House

HB 4627 Clears House

The Hotel Youth Discrimination Bill has passed the Michigan House of Representatives with a vote of 95-7. It is now in the Senate Transportation and Tourism Committee, your help is needed now more than ever please click here to learn more and write a letter. This bill will rewrite the Elliot-Larsen Civil Rights Act to…

Mailing Lists Created

Mailing Lists Created

To increase discussion and participation in Youth Rights action regional mailing lists have been created for NYRA members. Using Yahoo Groups these lists will provide a method for building community within the organization and allowing members to discuss ways to further Youth Rights.