Common Knowledge

Common Knowledge

Did you know that there are no kids out sledding in the snow we got in the past couple of days? Did you know that once spring is here, you’ll be hard pressed to find a single child out riding a bike or playing soccer? Kids today have no interest in the outdoors. Instead they’d…

Drug Control or Teen Control?

Drug Control or Teen Control?

There’s a disturbing pattern in the anti-drug ads appearing on TV and radio and other media. A boy is apparently traumatized after looking into his sister’s room while she is smoking a joint. A 14-year-old is stealing his grandmother’s prescription medications. Parents boast about how they do not trust anything their teens say and regularly…

Why We Do It

Why We Do It

Why do we defend the rights of youth? Among the numerous reasons, we’ve had enough of the testimonials. So many young people come to us with their accounts of their lives at home and school. To what many people would dismiss as dramatic teenage whining, we listen. Unlike everyone else in their lives, we take…

Board of Education

Board of Education

Tomorrow is our primary here in Maryland, and other than the usual presidential candidate and delegates to pick out, it seems we are also to vote on Board of Education At Large. I could look up information on these people, see what they promise to do. And I will. Just one problem. Really, I’m in…



The following is a transcript of this video. Politicians and public interest groups are always looking to protect youth. They have a long list of so-called bad guys that they believe are a danger to young people. Even if in all this, they ignore the very many actual dangers youth face every day. Maybe there…

What We’re Up Against

What We’re Up Against

First, look at this news story. It was early last month when Jane Hambleton of Fort Dodge found the bottle under the front seat of her 19-year-old son’s pride and joy. Her next move was a call to The Des Moines Register’s classified advertising department: OLDS 1999 Intrigue “Totally uncool parents who obviously don’t love…

For the Children

For the Children

All the child advocates out there, all the parents’ groups, all the public interest people… they have one supposed goal. They must protect children. They must help children. They must do all they can, even things the children might not like right now, for the children. Sure enough, there are people who may think NYRA…

DC Curfew

DC Curfew

The following is a rough transcript of this video. I’ve lived in the DC area my whole life. I ride metro sometimes. I love the Redskins. But there is one thing about the city that I am utterly ashamed of, and that is that Washington DC has a youth curfew law in effect. Under the…

Strip Searched for Advil

Strip Searched for Advil

I see pretty appalling news stories every day on the youth rights news wire, but I have to say this one really got to me. Basically, school officials in Arizona forced a 13-year-old to strip down all the way, even removing her underwear, just because they suspected she had some ibuprofen. This happened four years…

To Circumcise a 12-Year-Old

To Circumcise a 12-Year-Old

There are a lot of pretty disgusting news stories out there proving more and more how little youth are regarded in society. This, however, has got to be one of the worst. Divorced parents clash over 12-year-old son’s circumcision A former Medford man who converted to Judaism wants his 12-year-old son to do the same….