Vulnerable Behind Bars

Vulnerable Behind Bars

Earlier, the ACLU blog posted about how vulnerable young people are in adult prisons: Regular readers of The New York Times know that columnist Nicolas Kristof is a forceful advocate on behalf of human rights around the world. In his column on Thursday, January 28th — “Kids in Crisis (Behind Bars)” — he addresses serious…

Talkin’ Smack About CC

Talkin’ Smack About CC

Let’s say you have two middle school girls, whom we’ll call JC and CC. They don’t like each other. JC then makes a video of herself and a few other girls calling CC names, and then this video appears on YouTube. Obviously, CC is very upset by this. Perhaps she could create a counter video…

Let’s Pick on Obese Kids

Let’s Pick on Obese Kids

You’d think I could read something as seemingly innocent as Scientific American without getting outraged. Until I see this: A device that curbs speed eating could help obese children and adolescents cut the fat Wolfing down a meal in record time can lead to more than digestive discomfort and possible acclaim in food-eating contests. Studies…

The Rush to Adulthood

The Rush to Adulthood

So I came across this little gem while skimming through my Twitter feed, from user @youthvoices, a young girl’s blog post on their site: Why do teenagers rush to be adults? Well I came up with this question because me and my mom were talking about it. In a movie it would show a girl…

Teaching Hate and Only Hate

Teaching Hate and Only Hate

Content warning: this article discusses murder, racism and antisemitism. Our country is shaken up today and trying to find answers, one day after the horrifying shooting at the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC by a racist, anti-semitic extremist, killing an innocent security guard named Stephen Johns, and it happened not two weeks after…

Drinking Age Silences Victims

Drinking Age Silences Victims

One major issue with the high drinking age, paired with the high penalties of underage drinking, is that an underage drinker may be left in fear of seeking help in an emergency if he or she has had something to drink. This blog entry I read today highlights get another terrifying problem: sexual assault victims…

Banning Books Hurts Youth

Banning Books Hurts Youth

A number of news stories have come out lately about concerned groups seeking to ban books they find objectionable or inappropriate for kids, for a variety of reasons. One group in Wisconsin successfully got several teen books banned for depicting homosexuality. In Tennessee, some parents are trying to get books removed from library shelves for…

Suicide of the Bullied

Suicide of the Bullied

School bullying is on a lot of people’s minds at the moment as just yesterday was the 10th anniversary of the Columbine attack. Just today, I saw this article about an 11-year-old boy who killed himself after excessive bullying. Family says bullying led boy, 11, to hang himself By CHRISTIAN BOONE The Atlanta Journal-Constitution Tuesday,…