Voting at 16 in Spain?

Voting at 16 in Spain?

Looks like Spain may be the next country to recognize the validity of the youth voice by lowering their voting age to 16! The secretary of the Joventut de la Generalitat, Eugeni Villalbí, believes that if at age 16 can decide to abort children, work, and can change their treatment before the judicial system they…

March Forth, Students!

March Forth, Students!

Today is an amazing day for college students! In a nutshell, after enduring months to years of tuition hikes, lowering education quality, and numerous other injustices, especially in California where the state’s financial troubles have really hit hard lately, the students have had enough and are speaking out. They are marching. They are occupying campus…

Smoking Underage is Sexual Assault?

Smoking Underage is Sexual Assault?

According to Droits des Non Fumeurs, anyway. Meaning “Non-Smokers’ Rights”, they’re fighting that ever-so-important battle of keeping people under 18 from smoking. And in this ever-so-important battle, they’ve whipped out an interesting kind of artillery… saying that smoking, being a “slave to tobacco”, is like being forced to perform oral sex! The slogan is bland…