Montgomery County Curfew Hearing

Montgomery County Curfew Hearing

On July 12, I heard the distressing news that Montgomery County, MD, where I’ve lived my whole life, has proposed a youth curfew. Two weeks later, on July 26, we gathered at the Montgomery County Council hearing on the issue, “we” being myself (Katrina Moncure), Alex Koroknay-Palicz, Kathleen O’Neal, Abigail Burman, Alan Xie, and many…

NYRA Freedom, Volume 11, Issue 5

NYRA Freedom, Volume 11, Issue 5

NYRA Freedom Volume 11, Issue 5 June 16, 2011 Contents – NYRA Forms Coalition Requesting Apology from Rockefeller and Gingrich – Election Two Weeks Away, Annual Meeting Next Month – Effort Renewed to Put Youth on NYC Community Boards – Koroknay-Palicz Defends Youth Privacy at Computers, Freedom and Privacy Conference – Bill to Curtail Corporal…

Delay of Self

Delay of Self

We talk a lot about how a great deal of anti-youth sentiment comes from the idea that those under 18 aren’t so much people as they are humanoid extensions of their parents. It’s boggling to think about just how deeply this affects a young person, how damaging this really is. Guidance counselors and the like…

NYRA Freedom, Volume 11, Issue 3

NYRA Freedom, Volume 11, Issue 3

NYRA Freedom ISSN 1933-5229 Volume 11, Issue 3 March 31, 2011 Editors: Jackie Ferro, Katrina Moncure, Sidnei Banks, Alex Koroknay-Palicz Publisher: David Moss Contents – Introduction – NYRA Partners With Broad Coalition to End Corporal Punishment – Victory Against San Juan Capistrano Curfew Bill! – NYRA-DC Defeats a Giant – Action Through Collaboration at University…