Trimming of Rights

Trimming of Rights

A piece in the Barre Montpelier Times Argus was a breath of fresh air. Even if only an oped, it is still nice to see the pro-youth point of view being published. Let’s have a look at this, shall we? The rights of young people have been in the news lately. In Montpelier, student posters…

Can You Spell… NYRA?

Can You Spell… NYRA?

NYRAthon is over, so no more point in donating. Right? WRONG! It’s always a good time to donate to NYRA. Look at all the great stuff we do and could do if we had more money. Don’t think you shouldn’t care anymore just because NYRAthon is over, and it doesn’t seem like your donations would…

Do Your Research!

Do Your Research!

This is a message to desperate parents out there. Parents of young folks who’ve made some bad choices here and there. Parents with loved ones they fear are taking dangerous roads in life. Parents of the psychologically troubled who just don’t want to have to deal with it. Don’t you love your children? Don’t you…

Youth Shouldn’t Be Equal?

Youth Shouldn’t Be Equal?

I’m probably grossly taking this guy’s comment the wrong way, but either way, I’m tired, so it got me going. On a message board I frequent, this guy talked about stuff that annoys him at the movie theatre. Light hearted enough, as his posts usually are. Among his complaints, however, was a remark about how…

Here We Go Again

Here We Go Again

I came across this news story over on Yahoo just a little bit ago. I have posted it in the Current Events forum as well. Are these people who study teens a broken record or what? Teens don’t get enough sleep. Teens aren’t taking good enough care of themselves. It goes on and on. And…

Why Protest?

Why Protest?

I wandered over to the SSDP blog and had a look at this entry. It got me thinking. Great. Students at this particular high school are fighting the proposed mandatory random drug tests. It is very refreshing to see students who, no matter how they feel about a proposed policy, aren’t just sitting back and…

NCOR Highlights

NCOR Highlights

Saturday, February 4, 2006 About 8:30am EST, Alex Koroknay-Palicz sets off in THABOAT to go to American University to set up the NYRA table for the conference, but must first do the regrettable: swing by my house and bring me along! At 9:00am, we arrived and set up the table. Well, more like Alex went…