New Officers Elected

New Officers Elected

The NYRA Board of Directors had its first meeting of the 2002-2003 term and elected new officers of the board. Officers for the new term will be Alex Koroknay-Palicz as President, Kathleen Miller as Vice President, Chris Manley as Treasurer, and Rich Jahn as Secretary. Committee appointments have also been made, and all board committees…

New Board Elected!

New Board Elected!

Voting has ended, and the results from the 2002 NYRA election are in. It was a competitive election, winning board candidates are: Alex Koroknay-Palicz, Kathleen Miller, Avi Hein, Christopher Coes, Rich Jahn, Brad White, Chris Manley, Jack Ternan, and Darren Alcorn. Coes, Jahn, Koroknay-Palicz and Manley are returning for a second term, the others are…

2002 General Election

2002 General Election

The NYRA annual elections have begun! NYRA is a fully democratic organization, and now is your chance to exercise your vote. Best thing is, you don’t even have to be 18. All members are encouraged to vote by going to NYRA’s special election section. This election will have three parts, first is the election of…

NYRA Speaks Out Against Drug Testing

NYRA Speaks Out Against Drug Testing

In a 5-4 decision the US Supreme Court deemed random, suspicionless drug testing of students involved in extra-curricular activities to be constitutional. NYRA has issued a press release expressing frustration over the Court’s decision, “In a world of ever increasing penalties, restrictions and ‘zero-tolerance’ for students, it is frightening to note that even ones own…

New Directors for Board

New Directors for Board

At a recent NYRA Board of Directors meeting Danya Steele and Christen Walker-James were appointed to fill vacancies left on the board. Both from New York, they are very enthusiastic about their new position and want to get to work. Danya is the Editor-In-Chief of Harlem Live, an online magazine written by teens for teens….

NYRA On CNN Again!

NYRA On CNN Again!

On Thursday May 9, NYRA President Alex Koroknay-Palicz made his second appearance on CNN representing NYRA, this time he was on the cable channel CNN International.  Koroknay-Palicz was asked about whether today’s youth are better or worse than their parent’s generation.  While noting their greater material well-being Koroknay-Palicz questioned the loss of freedom and general…

Need Volunteers

Need Volunteers

NYRA is expanding the number of staff, and we have a great need for volunteers.  There is always a great amount of work to do, if you have ever wanted to get involved now is your chance.  Please review available positions at our Internship Section.  Whether you have a talent in Writing, Art, Editing, Management,…