NYRA on Fox News

NYRA on Fox News

NYRA President Alex Koroknay-Palicz appeared on Fox News on October 23rd. While Alex only had around five minutes to articulate NYRA’s complex set of reasons to lower the voting age, he did a great job and most agree that he came off better than the opposition. The host, Greg Jarrett, seemed very sympathetic and was…

NYRA Moves to New Server

NYRA Moves to New Server

One of NYRA’s most stunning accomplishments is its comprehensive and informative website. A while ago NYRA decided that its server, American Hosting, didn’t provide the kinds of features we wanted, so the switch was made to Milescape. While Milescape provided the necessary features, the service was deplorable, and many people said they were having trouble…

Voting Age Bill Fails in California

Voting Age Bill Fails in California

California State Senator John Vasconcellos recently abandoned his proposal to lower the voting age in California. NYRA President Alex Koroknay-Palicz, NYRA-Berkley chapter President Robert Reynolds, and NYRA advisor Mike Males had all gone to Sacramento to testify on behalf of the bill, which passed two committees before being amended and eventually abandoned. The bill, which…

NYRA Forums to be Upgraded

NYRA Forums to be Upgraded

After five years of continuous operation of our archaic 5.38a UBB forums, the good folks at NYRA have shelled out the cash and purchased a license for brand new vBulletin forums, version 3.0.3. The new forums have many more features than the old ones, and will be a great leap forward for NYRA’s increasingly active…

Board Election Begins

Board Election Begins

We are now nearly two weeks into the 2004 NYRA Board election, and despite some problems it is looking like another good election season. The ballot was scheduled to be released on July 15, but due to some problems finishing the online election site, it was not released until early on the 17th. Eleven qualified…