NYRA on Fox News Again

NYRA on Fox News Again

On December 31st, former NYRA media director Brad White appeared on Fox News to discuss the drinking age. The appearance, which came out of nowhere and was arranged at the last minute, was wildly successful. The show, “Your World with Cavuto” is very popular, and Fox is the most watched cable news network. Brad’s appearance…

Chapter News

Chapter News

NYRA member Patrick Ward founded a chapter in Santa Fe.  The chapter paid its charter and has been approved.  NYRA members in New Mexico should send an email to patrick@youthsantafe.org if they wish to become involved.  The NYRA-Santa Fe website can be seen at: http://www.youthsantafe.org. Chapters are being started also in Vermont, Houston, and Chicago.  Members in…

Youth Rights Network Begun

Youth Rights Network Begun

NYRA has begun work on a comprehensive resource site for the youth rights movement.  Using the same wiki technology that powers Wikipedia.org, NYRA has created the Youth Rights Network, and needs your help in making it an important, useful stop in the youth rights galaxy.  The page is entirely community edited, meaning that everyone, yes…

NYRA to Appear on PBS

NYRA to Appear on PBS

On November 22nd PBS filmed an hour long program about underage drinking and the drinking age.  The latter portion of the program is a panel discussion featuring among others, NYRA President Alex Koroknay-Palicz. Alex presented our case well, arguing that the drinking age is an issue of liberty more so than an issue of health…

NYRA on Fox News

NYRA on Fox News

NYRA President Alex Koroknay-Palicz appeared on Fox News on October 23rd. While Alex only had around five minutes to articulate NYRA’s complex set of reasons to lower the voting age, he did a great job and most agree that he came off better than the opposition. The host, Greg Jarrett, seemed very sympathetic and was…

NYRA Moves to New Server

NYRA Moves to New Server

One of NYRA’s most stunning accomplishments is its comprehensive and informative website. A while ago NYRA decided that its server, American Hosting, didn’t provide the kinds of features we wanted, so the switch was made to Milescape. While Milescape provided the necessary features, the service was deplorable, and many people said they were having trouble…