Annual Meeting and Election

Annual Meeting and Election

Every summer NYRA elects a new board of directors, and holds an annual meeting. NYRA’s last annual meeting in San Francisco brought together NYRA members from throughout the country. They heard from some excellent speakers, heard NYRA’s Executive Director read the annual report, and had a good time. This year the annual meeting will be…

NYRA Fights DC Curfew

NYRA Fights DC Curfew

For the past several years, DC has had a youth curfew. Young people in the District of Columbia can be arrested simply for leaving their homes. NYRA was recently contacted by Najmah Rashad, who runs Go-Go club events for young people in DC. She serves no alcohol at the events, and has never had any…

DC Seeks to Ban Youth From Clubs

DC Seeks to Ban Youth From Clubs

Washington Councilmember Jim Graham has introduced legislation that will essentially ban young people from DC nightclubs and concert venues. While Councilmember Graham is pursuing a far more palatable version of the bill, as it stands now the legislation will “prevent the entrance of persons under the age of 21 into alcoholic beverage control licensed nightclubs,…

New Interns Get To Work

New Interns Get To Work

After moving in to its office, NYRA’s first task was hiring interns. After a brief search two excellent interns were found and began work on February 2. The interns were initially arranged by the Howard Gardner school in Virginia, an alternative high school that gives students time on Friday to pursue internships. Luke Remchuk, a…

NYRA Director Sends Holiday Cards

NYRA Director Sends Holiday Cards

NYRA Director Katrina Moncure recently sent holiday cards, along with information about NYRA, to several youth rights activists, and many dozens of politicians who have taken youth rights friendly positions in the past. The cards looked wonderful, and Katrina sent them at great personal expense. This sort of thing helps NYRA establish important connections and…