Drinking Age Media Blitz

Drinking Age Media Blitz

On August 14, national news service MSNBC featured a headline on a topic central to NYRA: the debate to lower the drinking age. The full article and video, including a poll, are available online and include a tip of the hat to the National Youth Rights Association. Dozens of local TV and radio stations across…

Board Election Results

Board Election Results

This election has been as exciting as always, and as much of a surprise as all elections are. Eleven candidates ran for nine seats in the Board of Directors this year. Incumbents Alex Koroknay-Palicz, Alex Hull-Richter, Adam King, Keith Mandell, and Katrina Moncure were all re-elected to their seats. The newly elected members of the…

Annual Meeting a Success

Annual Meeting a Success

The Annual Meeting, the weekend of July 28th, went just swimmingly. According to Executive Director Alex Koroknay-Palicz, the meeting was a great success, “The programs and workshops went splendidly. Everything ran smoothly and on time. No technical problems or disruptions or any other problems. I was quite impressed with how smoothly it was pulled off.”…

NYRAthon ’07 a Success!

NYRAthon ’07 a Success!

Thanks to the generosity of our members, NYRA’s third annual spring fundraiser has been a great success! We set a target of $3,000 and from March through June we raised over $3,200. In total, 57 people contributed to make this year’s fundraiser successful. This money is essential for keeping NYRA running. Already this money has…

DC All-Ages Ban Defeated

DC All-Ages Ban Defeated

A bill that NYRA members have been working on for several months finally met with defeat at the hands of the DC City Council. Initially proposed in January by city council member Jim Graham (D – Ward 1), the initial bill would have effectively banned everyone under 21 from music venues, clubs, and other events…

Austria Lowers Voting Age

Austria Lowers Voting Age

On March 14th, the Austrian government decided to allow sixteen and seventeen year olds to vote in national elections. The effort to lower the voting age had the support of both the liberal and conservative parties in Austria. This is tremendously important, as the young people of Austria will prove to the world that lowering…