NYRA Supports Lawsuit Against New York City Police Department

NYRA Supports Lawsuit Against New York City Police Department

NYRA has offered its full support to the New York Civil Liberties Union’s (NYCLU) suit against New York City’s school safety officers over excessive force and wrongful arrests of students. The lawsuit documents numerous incidents in which students engaged in non-criminal conduct were handcuffed, arrested and physically assaulted by police personnel at school. The police…

Your Youth Rights Stories

Your Youth Rights Stories

Recently, we sent out an email looking for your youth rights stories. The President of our board of directors, Jeffrey Nadel, shared the story of his fight against West Palm Beach and their youth curfew law. Your stories have begun to come in and we have enjoyed reading them. We look forward to receiving more…

Alex Koroknay-Palicz’s Op-Ed Appears in the HuffingtonPost

Alex Koroknay-Palicz’s Op-Ed Appears in the HuffingtonPost

When the new International Civil Rights Center and Museum recently opened their doors in Greensboro, NC they didn’t open them to everybody. NYRA’s executive director quickly realized what museum curators and planners could not — it’s wrong for a museum whose mission is to highlight the horrors of segregation to promote segregation. The museum believes…

#16tovote on the 16th a success!

#16tovote on the 16th a success!

Last month NYRA board member, Katrina Moncure announced plans to organize an awareness campaign for lowering the voting age. Named #16tovote on the 16th, the campaign had its first even on the 16th of February. Youth rights supporters are encouraged to “tweet” about lowering the voting age on Twitter and include the hashtag #16tovote. For…

NYRA Joins Coalition Against School Paddling

NYRA Joins Coalition Against School Paddling

The Coalition Against School Paddling filed discrimination complaints with the U.S. Department of Education’s Office on February 6, 2010, for Civil Rights against the state departments of education in the twenty states where corporal punishment is permitted. The twenty states that permit corporal punishment in schools are: Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana,…

Old Senators are Old

Old Senators are Old

Check this out: List of current United States Senators by age According to that, as of January 10, 2010, only 10 senators are under 50 years old, the youngest being 40, while 27 are aged 70 or older, the very oldest being 92. To be a US Senator, one must be at least 30 years…