Arizona’s Cronkite News Service reports that a proposed amendment to the state’s constitution “would let 16-year-olds vote in state elections, a move supporters hope would boost interest in elections and lead to greater turnout of young voters.”
The state legislature is considering placing a ballot question on the November ballot asking voters if they support the change.
Maryvale High School government teacher Barrett Nitschke “said not giving 16-year-olds the right to vote is a double standard because 16-year-olds are allowed to work and pay taxes. In Arizona, they also can get a driver’s license, get married with parental consent and be tried as an adult if they commit a violent crime.” He said, “Sixteen- and 17-year-olds pay about $9 billion in taxes every year, but they don’t have a vote. The whole country was based on ‘no taxation without representation,’ so why not them too?”
i think they should because they could have more people to vote for a bettter place.