Forming a NYRA Node is an exciting way for individuals to work together on issues that directly affect them in their schools and local communities.  An expansion upon the previous program of NYRA Chapters, Nodes offer more flexible structure that aspiring activists can adapt to their own goals, group dynamics, and community needs.

Nodes may take the shape of a short-term campaign, or they may be a longer-lasting entity such as a school or community club.  Sometimes, what initially is a gathering of young and youth-supporting activists to achieve a short-term goal (such as amending an oppressive local law) may evolve into a larger local movement with the momentum to tackle on more and more issues of youth oppression and advance towards the equity and liberation of young people.  An established Node may even ignite new Nodes in other communities that work together to grow their power.  The possibilities are endless, once you make the first spark!

Why start a Node?

There are plenty of reasons why!  Here are just a few:

  • You’ll be part of a growing, nationwide Network.  Our Nodes aren’t just individuals or local groups; they are part of a national organization with a history of dedicated action and notable success.  Being an official Node of NYRA Network will make a big difference in your ability to enact change.  As such, the ability to cite NYRA’s name will give you more credibility.  Media outlets are more likely to contact you and legislators are more likely to take you seriously.
  • You’ll connect with other NYRA Nodes.  You will be able to share learnings and resources with other Nodes of NYRA Network and inspire each other to pursue powerful action.  You will get to know other youth rights activists with diverse experiences and identities and support each other’s campaigns – or even collaborate on larger, regional/multi-regional campaigns.
  • You’ll get support from our national staff. Node Leaders have easy access to staff at NYRA National. Our staff, who have a variety of backgrounds, can serve as mentors as you organize people and pursue campaigns.  If the staff personally can’t do something, they’ll tap into the NYRA Network and put you in touch with the people who can!
  • You’ll get help with press coverage and promotion. NYRA maintains a powerful media presence and our various campaigns have been widely covered in many news sources. Our national staff can help you build a relationship with the media in your local area. We will also amplify your Node’s activities and events through our newsletter and social media pages so to boost your recruitment and showcase your accomplishments!
  • You can register a existing group. If you’ve already started a group that works on one of our issues, wonderful!  Just register it as a Node and you’ll get connected with the NYRA Network and receive the resources and support to upgrade your activism and grow your power.

Whether you are ready to ignite a Node or just want to learn more, please fill out our form and an Outreach Coordinator will contact you shortly.

If you are eager to ignite a Node, if you think you want to but feel uncertain about how to start, or even if you’re just curious, fill out the form below and NYRA National will get in touch!

Ignite a Node!


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