NYRA Freedom

ISSN 1933-5229

Volume 4, Issue 3

March 7, 2004


Voting Age Protest in California
NYRA Schedules Regular Youth Rights Chats
Tabling at Junior State of America Conference
NYRA Opens Board Meetings
UND Chapter Forming
Voting Age Workshop at Green Party Convention
News From the Web
Chapter News


This month has been a very exciting one indeed. NYRA’s Berkley chapter staged what is probably the most successful protest NYRA ever organized. I think that one day people will look back on this as a pivotal moment in history, and it will be in all the history books. At the same time, NYRA is also getting the word to the public through tabling important conferences, and creating new ways for members to become involved.

Voting Age Protest in California

On March 2nd, “Super Tuesday” members of NYRA’s Berkeley, California chapter protested the voting age. Led by area member Robert Reynolds, they got up early together against ageism. The group, consisting of six students and other supporters of all ages, held up signs with slogans such as “Got a ballot? We need them”. At one point, Mr. Reynolds walked in to the nearby polling area and asked for a ballot. He was not given one, allthough the individuals working there were not hostile and suggested we find a lobbyist. While they did not sit-in, as they had originally planned, by attempting to vote they engaged in civil disobedience just like Susan B. Anthony and woman suffragists 100 years ago. Local media covered the event, (article 1, article 2) and this is great publicity for NYRA and Youth Suffrage in general. If you are interested in organizing this type of protest email us.

Tabling at Junior State of America Conference

On February 21st, NYRA tabled the Junior State of America conference. Despite delayed tabling, due to the late arrival of Ralph Nader, things went very well. NYRA made over $40 in button sales, and got its message across to many new people.

On February 28th NYRA tabled the conference again. After having the button supply completely depleted by last weeks event, NYRA president Alex Koroknay Palicz worked for hours making more. He and Dave Varney sold another 90 buttons at the conference. Also sold at the conference were copies of Scott Beale’s “Millennial Manifesto”, by all accounts this is an excellent book, and NYRA members should contact us. if they are interested in buying a copy for just $10. NYRA has tabled events like this many times in the past, but these two occasions stick out. We made a lot of money and got through to hundreds of politically active young people.

NYRA Opens Board Meetings

Since 1998, NYRA’s Board of Directors meetings were open only to board members. For years board members have been debating whether or not to open the meetings. The argument against such a resolution has always been that if a new member comes to an unproductive meeting they will get a bad first impression of NYRA. The board now agrees however, that NYRA’s board meetings are productive more often than not, and that this would be a great way to get the general membership involved in the decision making process. The next meeting is scheduled for March 14th at 7 PM eastern Time. If you are interested in attending visit the chatroom on NYRA’s website.

UND Chapter Forming

NYRA Vice-President Johnathan McClure has started a local NYRA chapter at the University of North Dakota. College campuses are a great place for Youth Rights activity, where a high concentration competent, politically active young people are still affected by ageist policy. The chapter, already officially recognized by the University, is thinking of possibly taking action in response to the University’s recent effort to ban swearing at hockey games. Mr. McClure and some associates will be actively recruiting on campus, and in the nearby town. Please contact Johnathan if you are interested in participating.

Voting Age Workshop at Green Party Convention

On Saturday, March 6th, NYRA President Alex Koroknay-Palicz tabled the Virginia Green Party’s state convention, and gave a workshop on lowering the voting age. The event was a success for NYRA. Many buttons were sold and Matt Gonzales, a front runner for the Green Party’s nomination to run for President, attended the workshop. Most of the people who attended the workshop supported the idea, including Gonzales.

Correction: Matt Gonzales is not a Green Party presidential candidate.

Chapter News

NYRA DC will be having a meeting on March 20th. If you would like to attend please email us.

News From the Web

(NYRA articles in italics)

Miami Juvenile Jail Official Told Dying Teen To ‘Suck It Up’

Teenagers Lobby for the Right to Vote

Young entrepreneurs told they’re too young for the toy industry

B-Ball Geezers Blast Young ‘Upstarts’

Teens to picket for right to vote

Let’s give all teens the right to vote

Father Disrupts Class by Spanking Daughter

Supreme Court OKs Discrimination Against Younger Workers

U.S. Students Still Getting the Paddle

Coming of Age in America

Student Suspended for Not Having Drugs


This has most certainly been an interesting and exciting month. There are numerous ways for all of you to step up and become a big part of this. Organize a local chapter or protest. Dontate money or time. NYRA needs your help in fighing for Youth Rights.