The third #16tovote on the 16th has now gone by! Just like in February and March, we all got on Twitter and tweeted reasons, anecdotes, links, and whatever else supporting lowering the voting age, with the #16tovote hashtag. While not quite as many people participated this time, we still got a whole lot of great #16tovote tweets! Just like before, here are the originals below!

The fourth #16tovote on the 16th will of course be Sunday, May 16!

teh_maxh If you don’t support #16tovote, THE TERRORISTS WIN.

youthrights And now #16tovote on the 16th has begun! Here are Top 10 Reasons to Lower the Voting Age! – #16tovote

youthrights New to #16tovote on the 16th? On the 16th of the month, we tweet and retweet a lot about lowering the voting age! Join in! #16tovote

youthrights When @nyrasefl was new in 2008 with their fight to lower the voting age, they got this GREAT news spot! – #16tovote

SchoolSurvival There are many drunken dads out there who abuse their teen daughters. Guess what? The abusive dads can vote. Their victims can’t. #16tovote

youthrights As another Tax Day has just ended, we’re reminded youth should stay silent, yet their tax money is still green. #16tovote

youthrights Is the right to vote an essential right for youth? Yes, yes it is. Read about it here: #16tovote

youthrights Voting rights urged for 16 and 17-year-olds in the UK! – Go youth suffragists! 🙂 #16tovote

arclights Famous objection to lowering voting age: Kids would vote for hot celebrities, not wise leaders. No adults voted Obama or Palin! #16tovote

youthrights Check out NYRA-Nanuet’s appearance on RNN last year promoting lowering the voting age! – #16tovote

youthrights For what reason, if any, should any US citizen be denied the right to vote? Interesting discussion here: #16tovote

SchoolSurvival A 16-year-old who knows politics inside and out still can’t vote. A 30-year-old who can’t name the vice president can. #16tovote

sciville Funny how there’s army recruiters in high schools but not voter registration recruiters. I guess youth should be silent and dead. #16tovote

youthrights Follow Friday! Follow @votesat16, the UK group working hard on getting the UK voting age lowered to 16! #16tovote #followfriday

SchoolSurvival The gov’t entrusts public safety to 16yr olds w/ driving, but walking up to a ballot box and sticking in a bit of paper? No. #16tovote

SchoolSurvival When we will stand up and denounce modern-day taxation without representation? #16tovote

SchoolSurvival We can’t expect parents to vote on behalf of their teens’ interests. They’re too busy voting for their own interests! #16tovote

SchoolSurvival Why accuse teens of not being knowledgeable enough to vote when we don’t have that standard for adults? #16tovote

SchoolSurvival Many teens work and pay taxes. But even those who don’t, so what? Unemployed adults can still vote. They’re still citizens! #16tovote

youthrights Good morning! Happy #16tovote on the 16th! Tweet about why the voting age should be lowered with the #16tovote hashtag! 🙂

jbbdude I’m turning 18 the day after election day this year. One day earlier, and I’d be able to vote for a US senator & rep, + governor. #16tovote

youthrights Would politicians dare cut education spending and hurt students if students could vote them out for it? #16tovote

youthrights Is it better to start voting as a stationary HS junior or a mobile college freshman? Exactly. #16tovote

youthrights Follow Friday! Follow @SchoolSurvival who has been kindly reposting great tweets from last month’s #16tovote on the 16th!!! #followfriday

youthrights Lower voting age would kill abstinence only education! Who would dare force such dangerous ignorance on voters? #16tovote

jbbdude @youthrights Plus voters could vote down abstinence-only candicates. #16tovote

youthrights Can’t fit your voting age thoughts into 140 characters? Join our forums! #16tovote

youthrights Sorry, kids, but you don’t get a say in child abuse laws. Your abusive parents do, though. #16tovote

youthrights Worried about how teens would vote? Then talk to them. Educate. Engage. Don’t just force them into silence. #16tovote

youthrights Teens are more involved, informed, connected, and knowledgeable of the world than ever before. How can you deny them a vote?! #16tovote

youthrights An 18-year-old voter is a good citizen. A 17-year-old voter is a dangerous felon. Weird. #16tovote

youthrights 16yo arrested for curfew violation? Her taxes pay for that police force, who enforce a curfew law she couldn’t vote against. #16tovote

kpalicz Sign this petition to support #16tovote if you live in the UK:

youthrights Uninformed teen voters would be a problem, not a fact of life. So inform them. Don’t withhold rights. #16tovote

youthrights Remote unregulated “treatment” facilities abuse and kill teens. Gov’t might care more if the victims could vote. 🙁 #16tovote

youthrights Wouldn’t it be nice if teens themselves could vote against officials forcing abstinence only “education” on them? #16tovote

youthrights Leaders who youth can’t vote for today may send them to war tomorrow. #16tovote

youthrights Adults who neither have kids nor work at a school can still vote on school issues. The students can’t. Does that make ANY sense? #16tovote

youthrights Today is #16tovote on the 16th! Support lowering the voting age? Of course you do! So speak up! 🙂

youthrights Like all tax-paying, law-abiding citizens, youth must be given the right to vote. #16tovote

chiscarlett What do you think about lowering the voting age? I’m all for it – let’s encourage good civic behavior earlier in life. #16tovote

J0lt_C0la Youth can be sent to abusive ‘camps’ just for their sexuality, in spite of professionals saying that such camps are harmful #16tovote

youthrights Working students’ tax dollars pay for their school too, though only their parents, teachers, and other adults have any say in it. #16tovote

youthrights A #16tovote essential! – – Created by @nyrasefl, that is our TV ad about lowering the voting age! #16tovote

youthrights Follow Friday! Some great loyal #16tovote tweeters! @chiscarlett @J0lt_C0la @silverfang77 @arclights @teh_maxh 🙂 #followfriday

youthrights Parents would vote on kids’ behalf? Really? A Republican dad’s vote would at all represent his 16yo Democrat daughter’s interests? #16tovote

youthrights Does a school district use corporal punishment? Students don’t get a say in that. But the ones who’d be hitting them do. #16tovote

youthrights You know who has a very high voter turnout? Austria. You know what their voting age is? Sixteen! 🙂 #16tovote

youthrights School uniforms? Sorry, students, only your community’s adults can decide what you can wear on your own bodies every day. #16tovote

youthrights You know how they say if kids smoke, they’ll be hooked for life? Think that would hold true for voting? One way to find out! 🙂 #16tovote

DegrassiPwns I’d explain it, but NYRA does it better 🙂 #16tovote

DegrassiPwns PS: I promise I’ll get back to tweeting/blogging about Degrassi tonight but one more YR tweet, kay? #16tovote

davymoss “We can have confidence that America’s new voters, America’s young generation, will provide what America needs.” Richard Nixon – #16tovote

youthrights Some officials want year-round school, which would harm students. If students could vote, they’d drop that bad idea real fast! #16tovote

jbbdude Today is #16tovote as it’s the 16th of the month. @youthrights has been tweeting lots of great reasons to lower voting age.

youthrights If you want a higher voter turnout, support lowering the voting age! Don’t deny voters when you need more of them. #16tovote

PsyAmp 18 and still dunno why such crucial rights are hindered based on age. #16tovote

SchoolSurvival Election voices: ‘Young people don’t think their vote will make a difference’ #16tovote

SchoolSurvival Give teenagers the vote to help bring down social divide #16tovote

SchoolSurvival Island’s voting age lowered to 16 #16tovote

nyradc In 2003, NYRA-DC worked on trying to get the voting age lowered for local elections in Takoma Park, MD! 🙂 #16tovote

youthrights Texas textbook revisions? – – Would this stand a chance if students could vote against being lied to? #16tovote

taradinoc #16tovote

SchoolSurvival #FollowFriday #FF Follow @youthrights if you care about lowering the voting age! #16tovote

NYRAaustinPeeps Considering that TEXAS..ummmm..politians?!?..seem 2 believe they have the RIGHT to TEXANize the US education system.. CAN-U-SAY #16tovote?!

NYRAaustinPeeps I can feel a NYRA-Austin:Peeps4Change #16tovote~TEXAS STATE CAPITAL RALLY~#16tovote.. coming SOOOOOON!!…. ;0)

teh_maxh If a hereditary dictatorship can lower their voting age, we can too! #16tovote

NYRAaustinPeeps If citizens begin voting earlier, and get into the habit of doing so earlier, they are more likely to stick with it through life.-#16toVote

youthrights I support lowering the voting age! – – RT if you do too! #16tovote

teenvote Read the Proposal by the British Org Demos in support of a lower voting age! #16tovote

teenvote Help create a lifetime of voting! Lower the voting age to 16! #16tovote

youthrights Thanks everyone for yet another great #16tovote on the 16th! We do it again on Sunday, May 16! Can’t wait! 🙂

youthrights Thanks for the #16tovote tweets @silverfang77 @msappir @ThetisMercurio @SchoolSurvival @DegrassiPwns @Chipmazing @davymoss @arclights

youthrights Thanks for the #16tovote tweets @jbbdude @teh_maxh @PDXToddDiskin @SnipeMe @raptorrapture @kpalicz @PsyAmp @nyradc @taradinoc @marcomuzio

youthrights Thanks for the #16tovote tweets @NYRAaustinPeeps @imsotired @teenvote @joanneooi @J0lt_C0la @thegreathal @chiscarlett @Spin0za1 @_luninha

youthrights Thanks for the #16tovote tweets @jeffwolfsberg @joaniefox @piggytailmommie @rawlearning @Sudbury_nl @Emie17 @sciville and any I missed!

youthrights See you on 5/16 for the next #16tovote on the 16th!!!

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